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Area Code 548 Prefixes

Area Code 548 Information

In other words, individuals and businesses with a telephone number that has the area code 548 may be from Ontario. There are many instances where someone with area code 548 is not actually calling from Ontario. They may have moved from Ontario, but not bothered changing their cell phone number or they may have ported their number from Ontario to another state. Furthermore, there are ways for "businesses" and individuals to get a phone number with area code 548, even though they are not located in or calling from Ontario. Thus, the 548 area code belongs to Ontario, but these days that does not necessarily mean that the caller is from Ontario or located in Ontario.

Area Code 548 History

There are other places with the same area code 548:

Average property valuation
The average home value is .
Average Age
The average resident's age is .
Residents' average wealth
Income average is .        
Ontario Population
Population in Area Code 548: .
Latitude: Unknown Longitude: Unknown
Eastern 10:26:11
Time zone
Time zone in Area Code 548: Eastern 10:26:11.