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Area Code 613 Prefixes

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Area Code 613 Information

Area code 613 serves Ottawa and surrounding eastern Ontario, Canada. It is one of the original area codes created in 1947. 10-digit dialing is necessary in the 613 area code, and projections for number exhaustion have prompted plans to implement a new area code overlay, 343.

Area Code 613 History

There are other places with the same area code 613:

Area codes 613 and 343 cover eastern Ontario and the Ottawa area, including the larger communities of Bancroft, Belleville, Brockville, Carleton Place, Cornwall, Kingston, Pembroke, Perth, Smith Falls and Trenton, plus many smaller communities in eastern Ontario

Average property valuation
The average home value is .
Average Age
The average resident's age is .
Residents' average wealth
Income average is .        
Ontario Population
Population in Area Code 613: .
Latitude: Unknown Longitude: Unknown
Eastern 06:30:37
Time zone
Time zone in Area Code 613: Eastern 06:30:37.

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